Friday, June 8, 2012

Aziz Ansari - Dangerously Delicious

After Louis C.K. cleaned up selling his last special online for $5, the playing ground for successful comedians have been leveled. Ansari is pretty funny and I like his stuff, but not so much that I've checked out Parks & Recreation or even went back and checked that Human Giant thing. What can I say, JS-NYC lives in the moment.

No Randy, luckily, but his nephew Harris makes a return appearance, as does R. Kelly. It's mostly for good. Aziz is pretty obviously a smart guy with a great delivery and his everyman thing is engaging as hell. If you like Aziz, the $5 is a pretty easy expenditure. It's not so big of a hit if you're on the fence either, when you get right down to it. That reasonable pricing has kept the lights on at Chez C.K. and seems to be doing pretty well for Ansari as well. Whether Jim Gaffigan is the third time that is also the charm remains to be seen, but you would do well to get yourself Dangerously Delicious and dates for his new Buried Alive tour here.


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